Wednesday 23 March 2016

Even more testings and trials

Happy to have tried out yet another recipe managed to do a Cheese and Spinach Marbled Kugelhopf. It was one to impress and most important of all it was actually fun to do.. you just need a couple of hours to leave the dough to rest. The Kugelhopf is a typical Alsace cake for which Rachel Khoo has presented a savoury version that can be served on its own, even without butter, or else with meats, pates and cheeses.

So i started with making 2 sets of dough, a cheesy one and a spinach dough for which i didn't use actual spinach but I had beetroot leaves which belong to the spinach and chard family and are still as tasty just a bit on the bitter side. However, you can't really taste the difference in this recipe as the flour dilutes the flavour.

As you can see the I have rolled out the two set of dough in rough rectangular shapes and put them on top of each other with a layer of egg mix in between to make them stick together. Later i folded the dough 3 times to shape it into a roll after which I put it into a buttered bunt cake mould with sprinkled chopped nuts. Baked it in the oven and inserted a skewer to check if its done. After which I let it rest for 15 minutes and turned it over and this was the end result! Quite pretty and eye catching for a nice dinner with friends.

There's a recipe of the sweet version of the Kugelhopf filled with dried fruits, prunes and a bit of Cognac or a splash of Rum, however, this was a good taster and ideal during lent.

Tuesday 22 March 2016

A little inspiration

Yesterday I received my first Rachel Khoo cook book out of the three bought online a week or two ago.. was ecstatic about it .. I discovered her first BBC TV show called My Little Paris Kitchen and was delighted about the mini series. Paris is a favourite destination.. I love their beautiful art, decadent food and a nonchalant way of living .. It has been enticing for me since my first visit way back when I was a teen.

So starting my Easter holidays all set on finding some time to unwind I decided to spend a relaxed evening testing out one of her recipes. Started with something simple and ingredients I had at hand in my kitchen cupboards .. as such tried out one of her inspirations form Maison Naegel a bakery in Strasbourg which make béchamel, ham and mushroom tourte. I made an easy béchamel sauce to fix up a my own version of the tourte and made chicken and vegetable pastry puffs that turned out to be a quick and scrumptious Monday treat.

An instant hit and more French recipes to try out from her "My Little French Kitchen" book .. A bientot!

A little something about what i do

I am a Business Management graduate who was positively decided on having a successful career in management so I started off with work placements in Human Resources. Working on recruitment and selection within a local college I was offered the opportunity to start as an assistant lecturer for business classes. I reluctantly accepted the offer but my family thought it would have been a golden opportunity not to be missed, so I decided to give it a try. A couple of teaching training sessions here, a couple of HR training there, thousands of lectures later and here I am working at a job that gives me the opportunity to pursue one of my main philosophies of life .. giving back something to our society.
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